Prawns and Egg Fried Rice (Mom's Style)

This dish is from my Mom's recipe book, and this dish was loved by all kids in my house. It was hit during family get togethers and all my cousins gorged on it. I had to take this recipe from her as my husband is not found of rice dishes and I wanted something that he would love. I must tell you I had never seen him eating any of the rice dishes with so much interest and fondness.This dish is good for kids as its not spicy. Also when we eat this dish in restaurants and streets there are too many preservatives used. On other hand when prepared at home those unhealthy ingredients can be avoided and is also love by all equally.

Let's have a look at the preparation for the dish:

½ kg Basmati/ Long grain rice
2 cups prawns (deveined)
3 Spring Onions (Diced)
Ajinomoto (Can be avoided while making for kids)
1 tablespoon Soya sauce
3 tablespoon Green Chili Sauce
3-4 Garlic pod
1 tablespoon Ginger garlic paste
3 tablespoon Oil/ Ghee
2 eggs

Preparation for Prawns:
Clean the prawns and marinate with ginger garlic paste and salt and let it set for 1 hour.

Preparation for rice:
Wash the rice and drain the water, heat up the pot add 1 tablespoon of oil/ghee and let it heat.
Once it heats up add the rice to the pot and mix well.
Add water and salt to the rice and mix well.
Let it cook for another 15 mins and make sure the rice is cooked well.
If the water is soaked up completely add water in the process if you feel the rice is still under cooked.
Cover the pot with the lid and let it cook on medium flame.
Check the rice if cooked, turn off the gas and drain the water with the help of strainer.
Spread it on a big plate, add oil/ghee on the rice. (It helps the rice to remain separate and not stick to each other)
Add a 1/2 tsp soya sauce, 1 tbsp Green Chili Sauce to the rice and mix well delicately without breaking the rice.

Preparation for fried rice:
Add 1 tsp of oil to the wok and break 2 eggs in the wok and scramble it. Add pinch of salt and pepper to it and remove it and store is aside for later.
Add oil/ ghee to the same wok and let it heat.
Add a smashed garlic pods in the oil and wait until it turns brown. Remove it from the oil as we only need the flavor of garlic.
Add the spring onions to the pan and stir well for 2-3 minutes. It will not take much time for spring onions to cook.
Add marinated prawns to the wok and let it cook for 8-10 minutes. Once the prawns are half cooked, add 1/2 tsp of Soya Sauce,  2 tbsp of Green Chili sauce and scrambled egg to the wok.
At this point if required, Ajinomoto can be added. Only a pinch of Ajinomoto should be good as it is an enhancer.
Add the cooked rice to the wok and stir all the ingredients well without breaking the Rice.
Mix all ingredients well on high flame for 10 mins.
Add spring onions greens on the rice for garnishing.
Serve Hot.

Note: This dish can be prepared using tofu/ paneer for the vegetarian folks. Instead can be marinated  and cooked the same way as prawns. Cooking time will be reduced to 10 mins unlike prawns.                                                                                            


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