Mutton Chops (Goat Meat)

In the midst of pandemic we are taking extra precaution to make sure we eat home cooked food prepared with care and hygiene. Once in a while we crave for restaurant food but then the reality of pandemic hits you and you are back to home cooked food. Even though we have avoided ordering food prepared by restaurants, our craving for their delicious recipes still seems to exist. One such dish that I tried making for first time is Mutton Chops. 

I have faintest of memory when my aunt used to cook Mutton Chops for all of us on a Sunday. I never happened to see how she cooked it or what all ingredients she used. But the end result was surely something to crave for. My husband's love for Mutton Chops was something I discovered last weekend after 6 years in marriage. He craved for Mutton Chops made by his maternal aunt during their childhood days.

 So I thought why not attempt this dish in order to relive our memories and relish the rich and high in protein Mutton Chops.

Below measurements are for 5 pieces of Mutton Chops.


For marination of Mutton Chops:
2 tbsp of Green Masala (Refer to Green Masala recipe below)
2 tsp of Turmeric powder
3 tbsp of Mutton Masala
1 tbsp of Mutton Chop Masala (Any brand will do. I used Shan masala)
2 tbsp Red Chili powder 
Salt to Taste

For Recipe:
1 sliced Onion
1 cup Tomato Puree/Tomato Paste
1 inch Cinnamon Stick
4 Cloves
4 Peppercorns
1 tsp Kasuri Methi
1 tsp Garam Masala
Chopped Coriander
1 cup Curd (yogurt)
Oil to cook
1 cup water
2 tbsp Ghee/ Butter

Method for Green Masala:
Add 1 cup peeled garlic, 1 1/2 inch Garlic, 1 cup Coriander (no need to chop) and 4-5 Green Chilies.
Grind all ingredients to a fine paste.

Method for Mutton Chops:
Marinated the mutton chops with ingredients mentioned above and keep it covered for 4 hours. I marinated for approximately 6 hours. Overnight marination is also fine as it will give more time for spices to amalgamate with the meat. 
In a pot add 3 tbsp oil on a medium flame and add to it cinnamon, cloves and peppercorns in mentioned quantity.
The spices will give out an aroma once they are cooked enough in oil, add sliced onions and keep the flame on medium. Make sure not to burn it.
Give it a good stir and cook the onions until they turn golden brown.
After the onions turn golden brown, add marinated mutton chops to the pot. Mix all the ingredients well. All pieces should be evenly covered with onions.
Cover the pot with a lid and let the meat cook for 15 minutes on medium flame.
After mentioned time open the lid and give the ingredients a good mix. 
Add Tomato puree and mix the ingredients well. Cover the lid and let it cook for another 15 mins. If you feel its too dry and it might burn, then add 1/2 cup water to the dish and then cover it with lid. Do not add too much water as this dish is a dry dish and we do not need gravy.
Let the meat cook well with all spices for good 15 minutes on low flame. 
Check on the meat in between if required to avoid burning.
After mentioned time, open the lid and add curd to the meat and mix it well.
At this point the meat should be enough tender and you can check by trying to cut a small end of a meat with spoon, fork etc.
Add Coriander and Garam Masala as well and mix it well. Cover the pot and cook it for another 5-8 mins.
Add 2 tbsp of Ghee/ Butter to the edges of the dish and turn off the flame and cover the pot.
Let the dish remain covered for a minute or two for all ingredients to assimilate.
Serve it hot with white rice or as an appetizer.


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