Ghee (Clarified Butter)

 Ghee has been part of our diet since childhood and has always been one of my favorite. Ghee when added to any simplest of food such as Dal and Rice, would enhance its taste to next level. If anyone falls sick then Khichdi is prepared with good 2 spoonfuls of Ghee on it. Khichdi being bland in taste, adding Ghee to it enhances its taste, thus making it easy for the sick person to consume bland dish. 

Ghee has its own medicinal value as well. Ghee is known to be "Sattvik" or "Sattva-guni" ("mode of goodness") when consumed with food. In Ayurveda classics, there is mention of 8 types of Ghee but the Ghee prepared from Cow's milk is favored. Ghee is also used as a medicine for treating constipation and ulcers.

My mother used to religiously prepare Ghee at home as it was affordable and best way to reuse the cream (malai) accumulated from the milk. Ghee is usually prepared by simmering butter, which is churned from Cream. 

In India preparing Ghee is very common in every household and the milk available also generates good amount of cream in comparison to one available in USA. Hence in my recipe I will be using Heavy Cream packet for making Ghee.

Let's take a look at the recipe

1 Packet of Pure Heavy Cream (946 ml approx)

3 cup chilled water in a bowl

Pot to cook butter


Pour the heavy cream in a mixing bowl.

We need to beat the Heavy Cream, which can be done using a whisk (manually) or a whipping machine. 

Manually beating the cream will take longer and will require good amount of energy as well. If you are fine with it then with the help of a whisk also the process can be performed.

Start beating the cream in clockwise and then anticlockwise until the quantity increases. Whipping machine will be quicker and within 7-10 mins you will notice the quantity of cream increases to form a soft and fluffy whipping cream.

With the help of spatula, delicately fold the cream in the mixing bowl 3-4 times and then again start whipping the cream using the machine or whisk.

After beating the cream for another 10 mins you will notice the quantity starts decreasing and color turns yellow.

 Slowly in few minutes you will notice the water will also start separating from the milk. 

Continue beating until you see good amount of water separated from the cream. Strain the water aside in a jar. The water is nothing else but Buttermilk.

Collect the butter into a ball with your hand and try giving it shape. It will be hard in texture and will be easy to give it a shape. This can be "Butter" and be stored in fridge for future use.

If you wish to make Ghee off the butter then immerse the collected butter ball in bowl filled with chilled water. Using your hands, clean it well to remove any impurities and remaining of butter milk.

Take a pot and on medium flame let it heat. Lower the flame and add butter to the pan.

Butter will melt away and start releasing bubbles. Keep the flame lowest possible, as we do not want to burn the butter.

Continuously keep stirring the butter with the help of spatula until the bubbles settle. You will notice the butter transforming into clear yellow liquid. 

Turn off the gas and keep stirring it to make sure all bubbles settle.

Let the liquid cool down. Take a glass jar and pour the Ghee in it.

Use the Ghee while preparing Dal, Rice or even apply on roti.

NOTE: When beating the cream reduces the quantity and water starts separating it will look as below

In form of butter it will look as below (Below image is when the butter is put in the pan for melting):


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