Crispy Corn Bhajiyas

I am always faced with this question as to what should be for starters? Especially when guests are coming over for lunch or dinner. And mainly when the challenge is to make something vegetarian. We always have too many options when it comes to chicken, fish, egg, meat etc but when it comes to veggie we are faced with a roadblock. That's when I tried this dish for the first time, and it turned out to be a winner. It was quick, easy and loved by all. I have already posted on my blog a recipe for corn kababs but this one's different. The major difference is the way you cook both dishes. Kabab needs to be shallow fried whereas the bhajiyas are deep fried dish. Let's have a quick look at ingredients and method to make this quickie recipe.

4 Corn Cobs Boiled
1 Onion chopped
1 tablespoon Rice Flour/ cornstarch
2 tablespoon Besan/ Gram flour
2 Green Chillies Chopped
1 tsp Turmeric Powder
1 tbsp Red Chilli Powder
Coriander chopped
Salt to taste
Oil to fry
1 cup water

In a large kadhai/pot heat oil for deep frying while we prepare the batter for bhaji's. On the other hand with a help of a knife remove all the corn kernels from the cob. While doing so be sure you don't hurt your self with knife. If you are not sure how to do so, feel free to use frozen corn kernels. Boil them and drain off all water. Add the corn kernels to a dry bowl.
Add chopped onions, green chillies, rice flour, besan, coriander, turmeric powder, red chilli powder and salt. Mix all ingredients.
Slowly start adding water to make a thick batter. While adding water be careful to not pour in excessive water.
If necessary you could add more water too.
Once you have mixed all ingredients well and thick enough to drop in small balls of bhajiyas check the oil too.
If its hot enough start putting in small portions of bhajiyas slowly with your hand.
If you are not comfortable with hand then use spoon to drop the portions in oil
Serve hot with sauce.


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