White Chocolate Strawberry Mousse Cake

From my past recipes you all must have got an idea that I like to bring to you all recipes which are easy to prepare.. This recipe is one of its kind, which was introduced to me by one of my good friend. Her husband prepared this for all of us on nice warm weekend. I had to get the recipe from him and bring to your kitchen's. You must be thinking now for cake you need to have an oven and all the unnecessary stress of maintaining the temperature etc while baking the cake. But let me tell you this is one of its kind recipe which requires "NO BAKING". So let's just have a quick look at the recipe.

For White Chocolate Mousse:
200 gms White Chocolate (7 Oz)
1/2 tbsp. Gelatin Powder
2 tbsp Cold Water
350 gms Whipping Cream (35% Fat- Blue Carton)

For Crust:
250 gms Digestive Biscuits/ Graham Crackers
6 tbsp Coconut oil/Butter melted

For Strawberry Mousse:
300 gms Strawvberries
1/4 cup Sugar
1/2 tbsp Gelatin Powder
2 tbsp Cold Water
200 gms Whipping Cream (35% Fat - Blue Carton)

Thinly Sliced strawberries for topping.

Wash and clean strawberries, cut them in quarters. Take a saucepan and place the strawberries in it and add sugar to it. Keep it on medium flame and let it cook until the sugar dissolves completely.
Remove the saucepan from the heat and puree it using a blender. Let it set aside while we prepare gelatin.
Take 2 tbsp of gelatin in cold water and let it rest aside for 5-10 mins. Gelatin swells when added with water. After it swells keep it on low flame until the gelatin dissolves completely. Pour the dissolved gelatin in the strawberry puree that we prepared. Mix it well and let it cool down while we prepare the crust.
Remove all graham crackers in a mixer or food processor and grind it into a fine powder. Do not use water while grinding. Add melted butter or coconut oil to the biscuits crust and grind it again. Put the mixture in 8 inch springform pan using the back of the spoon and press it well. Refrigerate it until we prepare the white chocolate mousse.
In a heat proof bowl remove the white chocolate and 150 gm of whipping cream. Fill up half of saucepan with water and keep it on medium flame. On it keep the bowl with white chocolate and whipping cream on it and keep stirring. Keep it on the water bed until the chocolate is melted completely.
In a another saucepan dissolve 2 tbsp of gelatin and add cold water to it. Let it rest for 5-10 mins until it swells. Heat it on low flame until the gelatin dissolves. Pour the gelatin in the White chocolate mixture that we created on water bed. Mix it well and let it cool completely.
Whip the 200 gms of whipping cream until stiff peak forms. Add melted chocolate mixture and mix until well combined. Pour the chocolate mousse onto the biscuit crust that we kept in the refrigerator to cool. Make sure it covers all edges well.
Do the same for the strawberry mousse, whip the cold whipping cream and add the strawberry puree to the cream while whipping. Mix well until well combined. Pour the strawberry mousse on the white chocolate mixture which will be our third layer.
Refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight to set before serving. Run a warm knife around the edges of the cake to remove the side of the pan.


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