
By name all of you must have slightest guess that this dish has something to do with Italy. If so then you are right and it originates from Naples. Calzone is an Italian filled oven pizza and is shaped as folded pizza. The stuffings majorily include that of ricotta cheese, salami, mozzarella etc alongwith an egg. The stuffing can be whatever you like, it can be an all veggie stuffing too that you would be seeing in my recipe. The variations of veggies could include that of caramelized onions, potatoes, artichokes, bell peppers, corn, spinach etc.
Calzones can be served alongwith marinara sauce or topped with the signature olive oil, garlic and parsley.

Pizza Dough (available in stores)
1/2 tbsp Oregano
Spinach Leaves
200 gm Shredded Cheese (mozzarella)
Boiled Corn
Fresh Basil Leaves
Parchment paper
Black Pepper

Knead the pizza dough nicely to a nice smooth dough.
While kneading put the oregano on the dough and knead again.
Add dry rice flour/ maida/ all purpose flour and roll it into an enlongated shape.
Don't try to make round chapatti as we need to overlap the dough after stuffing.
Once rolled nicely start stuffing the dough.
Add spinach, corn, basil and cheese nicely starting from top to bottom and mainly in center of the dough avoiding the sides.
Add a pinch of salt and black pepper on the stuffing.
Give small cuts  to the edges of the dough in order they overlap while coating it. Follow the picture below.
After placing the stuffing start overlapping the dough on one another to cover the stuffing in it.
If you find overlapping this way difficult then just fold the sides of the dough to the other end.
Preheat oven at 350 degree and keep the Calzone in oven for 30- 35 mins.
Cut into pieces and serve hot with marinara sauce or pesto sauce


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