Caramel Custard

Even though it sounds a bit difficult dessert but trust me it isn't. I don't have a good hand in making sweets, so was very apprehensive at first. But when I asked my Mom and mother in law how its made I found it very easy. Unlike other desserts where you need a delicate hand this is a very simple and quick to make recipe. This recipe can be made using an pan instead of oven, but just that it takes too long compared to oven. So its your choice whichever you find easy.

Castor Sugar- 4 cups
Milk - 500 ml
Eggs - 5
Vanilla essence - 1 teaspoon

Place a nonstick pot on medium flame and pour the milk in it. Let it come to a boil. Now one heads up here, milk we get in USA does not need to be heated before consuming as compared to milk in India. So its completely your choice. Its optional if you want to boil the milk before use.
Until the milk comes to a boil, take a mixing bowl and add 3 cups of sugar, eggs, vanilla essence and beat all ingredients well.
Beat it to a smooth mixture.
Until then check on the milk. Remove it from the flame and let it cool down.
Make sure you do not pour hot milk in the egg mixture orelse the egg will cook and there will be lumps. If using milk without boiling make sure you remove the milk beforehand to get it to a room temperature.
Once the milk cools down pour it in the mixture and keep stirring as well.
Take a strainer and strain entire mixture so that we get the smooth mixture.

Caramelizing process:
Heat a non stick pan and add one cup of sugar to the pan and to it add 1 tablespoon water.
Keep stirring the sugar well as it changes color to golden brown.
The sugar should not be over caramelized orelse the custard will have a burnt taste to it.
Once all sugar is caramelized and turns golden brown remove it in a dessert oven safe container.

Placing the custard:
Make sure the caramelized sugar has cooled down and set completely.
You can check by slightly tilting the container. If it is hard that means your sugar mixture is set.
Add the beaten mixture in the bowls equally.
Take a baking sheet and create a water bed in order to avoid over cooking of custard.
Place the two bowls on the baking sheet and put it in oven  for 400 degree temperature.
Let it be in oven for 40 mins.
Insert a toothpick and check if it comes out clean.
Remove it from oven and let it cool and set aside.
Once it cools after 15-20 mins, take a dessert plate and turn the dessert bowl upside down and give a jerk.
The custard is ready to be served, enjoyed and relished.


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